Wondering when your baby will get their first tooth? Most babies get their first tooth between 6-10 months old. Generally, it is the bottom middle two teeth (central incisors) that come in first, followed by the top middle two teeth between 8-12 months old. If your baby does not have any teeth by 18 months old, a visit to your dentist for an xray is recommended. Most children will have all 20 primary teeth by the time they are 30 months old. Some signs of teething are excessive drooling, fever, crankiness, and pain with biting/chewing. To ease the pain for your little one, you can try giving them a frozen wash cloth or teething ring. Oral pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help, as well as topical pain relievers like Orajel. It may be tempting to give your baby hard toast or frozen fruit, but their intense gnawing can cause a chunk to break off, creating a choking hazard. Also, do not listen to your mother in law and rub their gums with a little brandy! Alcohol, even in a small dose, can be poisonous to an infant. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends the first dental visit take place when the first tooth erupts. If you would like to make an appointment to see Dr. Bomstad or Dr. Karban call 952-938-7746 or click HERE.
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