Last week, we looked at what CBD could potentially do for your oral health. This week, we are going to look at coconut oil. Dr. Bomstad noticed several patients with improved oral health and found out they started swishing with coconut oil. I am curious to know why coconut oil seems to make a difference when it comes to oral health.
It turns out, coconut oil can kill the bad bacteria in your mouth that causes cavities, gum disease and bad breath. It is the lauric acid (a fatty acid) in coconut oil, along with monolaurin, that kills the bad bacteria. Monolaurin is the compound that is left when your body breaks down lauric acid. Lauric acid is special because it is a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) which is metabolized differently from other types of fatty acids. Most foods contain long-chain fatty acids. It is recommended swishing 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes before brushing your teeth in the morning. Coconut oil can clog sink pipes, so spit in the garbage can.
Coconut oil has other possible health benefits besides improved oral health. The fatty acids in coconut oil encourage the body to burn fat, especially dangerous stomach fat. It can also reduce hunger. MCT’s can boost brain function in Alzheimer’s patients and may reduce seizures. Coconut oil can protect hair & skin and raise good cholesterol. Like the bad bacteria in your mouth, lauric acid & monolaurin can kill bacteria, viruses & fungi in your body too.
There does seem to be many possible health benefits, including heart heath, with eating coconut or coconut oil. It is recommended swapping out your regular cooking oil for coconut oil. Coconut oil is higher in calories, so be careful if you decide to start using it as a supplement, you don’t want to increase your caloric intake by too much or it could have an undesired effect. I will remind you again, before starting any supplement, check with your physician first!
I was concerned coconut oil would be hard to find, but my local Wal-Mart carried it and Amazon has plenty to choose from. I think I just might give coconut oil a try! Remember, if you decide to swish with coconut oil, it does NOT replace brushing and flossing!!!