Bruxism is a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth. Some people are not even aware that they do this and may unconsciously clench their teeth together during the day or at night while they are sleeping. The evidence is often wear on their teeth, mobility or looseness of teeth, or fractor of teeth. Symptoms of bruxism include, headache, neck pain, jaw pain, tooth pain and jaw/joint pain.
Treatment For Bruxism
Is fabrication of a bite guard.
Occlusal Bite Guards & Night Guards
Treatment For Teeth Grinding
Do you grind or clench your teeth? Are you waking up with headaches or a sore jaw? A night guard or occlusal appliance may be recommended to you to help protect your teeth from wearing down prematurely or to improve chronic headaches. At your next appointment, ask us if we think you would benefit from one of these.
If Dr. Kris Bomstad feels you would benefit from a preventive appliance, we can make a custom-fit guard to prevent you from grinding or clenching your teeth. We will take impressions of your upper and lower teeth and an impression of your bite so that the dental lab knows how your teeth fit together. We will send these models and bite impression to a dental laboratory where they will custom fabricate a guard using specialized materials.