Maintaining good dental hygiene is one of the most important things you can do in life, unfortunately it can often be easily overlooked. Brushing, flossing and rinsing are only the beginning to taking care of your teeth.
- Regular dental check ups are an important part of good dental hygiene. You should visit your dentist twice a year to catch problems such as decay, gum disease, trauma or cancer. When all of these problems are caught at an early stage they are very treatable.
- Watching what you put in your mouth also makes a difference in your overall dental hygiene. You should avoid things that are acidic or sugary. Acid found in soda, juices and candies can make your tooth enamel softer and more susceptible to cavities. Sugar causes plaque to form in our mouth, eating away at enamel and gums.
- Smoking not only yellows your teeth, but the chemicals in cigarettes eat away at your gums creating an environment for bacterial and plaque to thrive. More importantly, cigarettes can lead to mouth cancer. If you need help quitting, ask your doctor at Bomstad Dental for quitting resources.
A marvelous mouth takes more than squeezing a tube of toothpaste. Think about ditching the daily soda habits, lowering your sugar intake, saying goodbye to cigarettes, and scheduling an appointment today!