Vaping is quickly taking over as a "healthy" alternative to smoking, or at least that is what we are lead to believe. E-cigarettes are relatively new to the market, they have been around for only 15 years or so, making the long-term effects fairly unknown. Recent studies have found e-cigs/vaping to be just a harmful as smoking to the cells in your mouth. Vaping can contribute to gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer. As with traditional cigarettes, the vapor in e-cigarettes makes contact with your mouth when the vapor is the hottest. This heat can irritate and cause damage to sensitive gum tissue. Nicotine, often found in e-liquids, is highly addictive. When you stop using it, you can go through withdrawal, feeling depressed and crabby. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it reduces blood flow to tissue, which inhibits the tissue's ability to repair itself. Research also shows it harms the developing brains of kids, affecting memory and attention. Nicotine damages … [Read more...]
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