Does the snow falling make you think of whiter teeth? Me neither! But, I do think about how white my teeth used to be. As we age, teeth tend to get darker. The enamel that protects our teeth wears down over time. Brushing, chewing and acidic drinks all contribute to the degradation of our enamel. With less enamel, the darker dentin underneath the enamel makes our teeth appear more yellow or gray. Smoking, certain medications and foods can stain our teeth, making them less white as well.

You can make your teeth whiter with very little effort. The fastest way to whiten your teeth is Zoom! Whitening. Zoom! Whitening is done in-office under a special LED halide light, your teeth become noticeably whiter in 1 visit. A less expensive option to teeth whitening is custom whitening trays with professional strength whitening gel. Custom trays are made in-office and can be ready for you to take home by the end of your appointment. You will see a difference after using your trays for the first time, but it will take multiple uses to lighten your teeth to the desired color. We also carry Go-Trays in our office. They look like a mouth guard with whitening gel already placed inside. Go-Trays are single use making it effortless to pop in and throw away when you’re done.
With all of these options, your teeth can be whiter in by the holidays! If you are interested in learning more about tooth whitening you can call 952-938-7746 or click HERE to request an appointment.